

Treasure packed in small nut!

From the time of childhood and still, yet I am growing now, Almonds have grown so much with me.
They come as in powder form, milk, slices, and soaked almonds can be used in everything!

So healthy and delicious. It can be a snack or just a nut that you can have any time of the day!

  • Packed with vitamins, protein, fiber, and calcium. Rich with Phosphorus to keep your skeleton healthy, robust, and strong lowering the risk of fractures.
  • Lowers LDL and low cholesterol are so good for heart health.
  • Excellent alternate for those who are allergic or lactose intolerant.
  • Includes selenium which is consumed to fight depression, recession, and anxiety.
  • Boost them to your diet, it is good fat collecting all the essential monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA).


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