Oily Skin Care Routine!! πŸ§–‍♀️


Oily skin and acne are challenging to manage. Still, home remedies often reduce symptoms.


It has antibacterial and antiseptic capacities, it may help oily and acne-prone skin. It helps to protect the skin moist but not oily. It also helps to heal wounds moisturizes skin and reduce scars.


It enables gentle swollen skin and absorbs spare oil. When used in facial masks, oatmeal is usually set. It can be blended with yogurt, honey, or mashed fruit such as bananas and apples. Oatmeal, and honey, this is perfect for soothing skin and aiding in relaxation.

 EGG πŸ₯šWhites and Lemons πŸ‹

Both ingredients are thought to tighten pores. The acid in lemons πŸ‹ and other citrus fruits may help absorb oil and lemons also have antibacterial abilities. Its white part is also good for skin tightening. Though, this prescription is not a good option for people with egg allergies.


It includes salicylic acid, a common acne home remedy. The acids in tomatoes πŸ… may help absorb excess skin oils and unclog pores. It's good for clearer skin.
🌟 Every individual's skin is different. And some are more sensitive than others. While trying out these amazing remedies, make sure to start by applying a little patch first just To stay clear of any Allergic reactions. 


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